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1. Use a piece of foam insulation (we used 1") and decide what shape your board is going to be. we cut it down the middle and cut out one side. This way we could use it to trace the other side so it was as close to uniform as possible
2.Cut a piece of 1/4" hardwood to the shape that you want the rocker. we rounded the 2 ends of this stringer to the shape we wanted the edges of our board to be.
3.after cutting out the board tape both sides together.
4.with both sides firmly taped together sand the edges to that they are identical.
5.this is just showing where the stringer is going to end up.
6.This glue is expanding foam glue that is also waterproof. follow the drying time said on the box.
7.glue the stringer ( this is a much better pic of the stringer.)
8.use extra tape on the curved nose of the stringer, making sure the foam takes the shape of the rocker.
9.its hard to see in this pic but we put wooden blocks under the nose so we can weight the board down while the other side can keep the shape as it drys.
10.here is a shot once we have glued, taped and weighted the board.
11.this is the board once the tape is removed and glue has dried. You might need to use a small surform to get rid of any excess glue and a small hand plane to make sure the stringer is smooth and level.
12.here is a shot of the edge once we shaped it. We used drywall sandpaper so it wouldn't plug up with foam.
13. I don't have pictures of this but we filled all the holes in the foam with lightweight Spackle and sanded it smooth.
14. purchased a wagner
multi project paint sprayer to spray the board with latex paint. (If you are using Polyester fiberglass resin then you must do this or the chemical reaction will melt the foam) You can also buy latex paint in an aerosol can made by krylon
If you are lucky enough to have access to Epoxy laminating resin then you want to take extra care in keeping the surface of the board very smooth and the color you want it to be in the final stage. when using epoxy resin, you can skip the latex paint stage because it is compatible wit all kinds of foam and will harden to a glass clear finish.
15. If you plan on dying the resin (like we plan on doing) then the color of the paint isn't a very big deal because it will cover it completely.[/quote]