Here's my flag pole, used another mtx mount butted up against the top Bimini mount, then used a few washers to space it away just a little, this is gonna sound real redneck but it really looks good and was cheap and easy,... I went to the truck stop and picked up a 48" black fiberglass CB antenna and mount for 20 bucks, then I just used the same nut and bolt that held the speaker to the clamp with a few washers and it goes on and off with the twist of a few screws, my wife made fun of me for doing it but after she saw it mounted on the boat she loved it,(I think she thought it would look like a Pete with the antenna and couldn't picture it with the flag)
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Since I switched to rev 10's I got the swivel clamps and the allen wrench that fits the clamp also is the same size as the bolts on the mtx clamps, I took an old T handle allen and put heat shrink all over the metal parts except for the last 1/4" that way it can stay in the boat and has less chance of rusting or scratching anything, I break down the tower and remove the flag pole every time out due to the long drive.