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 Post subject: Custom GPS controlled surfgate setup
PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 9:01 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:44 pm
Posts: 11
I just picked up a 2013 A20 and am adding surf gates onto it.

I wrote arduino code to automate the actuators via GPS speeds and shared it on github incase anyone wants to check it out.


For a basic version for <$50 you can put together the control system -- obviously the tabs/actuators are another $500+

The "simple" version that is up makes use of:
1 Arduino mega ($10 @ Microcenter)
1 GPS module w/antenna $25 - ... UTF8&psc=1
1 L298N module for a simple H bridge to control actuator relays - $7 ... 00NJOTBOK/ (These JUST control the relays, NOT the high draw actuators - this was to keep it simple and avoid having to solder anything custom)
3x momentary LED backlit push buttons to control modes ($5 off ebay.)

Add standard marine relays + lenco actuators (~$170 each) and make some tabs - and you've got a custom GPS speed controlled surfgate

Basic features: 3 buttons (surf left, surf right, off) - tabs automatically deploy at set speeds (IE: >7mph and <14mph.) If you hold the buttons for a second it enters "override" mode to force deploy of that tab.

I have a more complex version that has an OLED screen + wifi module for phone control/settings via app + RF control for a custom surf band that I'll share there as well once i clean the code up and document it some.

If anyones interested in adapting this on their boat let me know - I have a full wiring diagram I'll share on the github project as well!

 Post subject: Re: Custom GPS controlled surfgate setup
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 2:14 pm 
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Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2017 12:27 am
Posts: 5
Location: Quebec/Canada
I'm looking exactly about a wifi module and remote. For sure I'll be interest in your diagram as well!

English is my second language! I'll do my best!

 Post subject: Re: Custom GPS controlled surfgate setup
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:02 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:44 pm
Posts: 11
Carbo86 wrote:
I'm looking exactly about a wifi module and remote. For sure I'll be interest in your diagram as well!

I'll put it together this weekend - traveling this week. The part list is pretty straight forward if you want to grab that in advance. The remote i need to rework as the bluetooth remote i was using is no longer for sale - but it's a simple mod to just straight RF.

 Post subject: Re: Custom GPS controlled surfgate setup
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:47 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2016 12:13 pm
Posts: 20
Location: Minnesota
i am looking to add a surf gate setup to my 2011. Last year i narrowed my platform to make room for tabs. now i just need to build and add the tabs, id love if someone had this all figured out like you seem to. would you consider building a controller? also have you built your tab system to show it working in a video! this is all exciting lol

2011 Axis A22 VANDALL, BLK

 Post subject: Re: Custom GPS controlled surfgate setup
PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:53 am 
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Thipps wrote:
i am looking to add a surf gate setup to my 2011. Last year i narrowed my platform to make room for tabs.

How do you process for re-shaping your swim plafform? Do you have any picture? Have to do mine too!

English is my second language! I'll do my best!

 Post subject: Re: Custom GPS controlled surfgate setup
PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:55 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2016 12:13 pm
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Location: Minnesota
here are the pictures i have. if i remember i cut like 5 inches of width out of it near the boat and the outside corners were like 16 inches narrower. it was fiberglass work so it wasnt pretty during the process but i used it all year and it worked great. it took a ton of time but its worth it. I also had a custom sea deck made for it so it looks factory.











2011 Axis A22 VANDALL, BLK

 Post subject: Re: Custom GPS controlled surfgate setup
PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:29 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:44 pm
Posts: 11
Thipps wrote:
i am looking to add a surf gate setup to my 2011. Last year i narrowed my platform to make room for tabs. now i just need to build and add the tabs, id love if someone had this all figured out like you seem to. would you consider building a controller? also have you built your tab system to show it working in a video! this is all exciting lol

(Nice fiberglass work!!)

I actually just picked up a 2013 a20 this spring - so I haven't put the tabs on mine yet as I need to prototype in the water to get the placement right with my slightly-larger-than-a-2014 platform (trying to avoid having to cut down my platform..) but the controller itself is all built and ready to go.

I originally built the controller last fall for a friends boat and it worked great for the season (replaced his manual trim tab buttons.) I refined it some this winter and need to upload the latest code to github that adds a bunch of functionality..

Ice will be out in the next month or so up this way and I can get some video of the controller in the water then on his boat.

I'd be happy to ship the arduino out pre-flashed at cost if that's a concern ($10 from microcenter +shipping) - if you have any soldering skills it's not too difficult. I don't think a screw shield on the arduino would work well bouncing around - maybe epoxied it'd be ok but you'd still need to solder a few parts. I can't offer to build em for folks, I know I wont have the time - but i can try to help if anyone has any questions along the way!

Sorry I haven't had a chance to put up the wiring diagram yet - traveling this week and for the next two but i'll get to it in the next few weeks when my schedule calms down some.. I also dont have access to my boat until early may so that's slowing things down!

 Post subject: Re: Custom GPS controlled surfgate setup
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:54 pm 
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Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2017 12:27 am
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Location: Quebec/Canada
Thipps wrote:
if i remember i cut like 5 inches of width out of it near the boat and the outside corners were like 16 inches narrower. it was fiberglass work so it wasnt pretty during the process but i used it all year and it worked great.

Wow! Nice work! I'm questionning myself if I cut mind or build a teak deck. I never work with fiberglass and i'm definitely better with wood working!

jtnorway wrote:
Ice will be out in the next month or so up this way and I can get some video of the controller in the water then on his boat

No worries, there's still 4feets of ice here! :cry: I already order all the parts that you tell on your first post, should get my stuff around next week or so.

English is my second language! I'll do my best!

 Post subject: Re: Custom GPS controlled surfgate setup
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:58 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2016 12:13 pm
Posts: 20
Location: Minnesota
Carbo86 wrote:
Thipps wrote:
if i remember i cut like 5 inches of width out of it near the boat and the outside corners were like 16 inches narrower. it was fiberglass work so it wasnt pretty during the process but i used it all year and it worked great.

Wow! Nice work! I'm questionning myself if I cut mind or build a teak deck. I never work with fiberglass and i'm definitely better with wood working!

jtnorway wrote:
Ice will be out in the next month or so up this way and I can get some video of the controller in the water then on his boat

No worries, there's still 4feets of ice here! :cry: I already order all the parts that you tell on your first post, should get my stuff around next week or so.

its messy thats for sure but its forgiving.i probably have 40 hours or so into it by the time i had it painted but like i said it looks factory.

2011 Axis A22 VANDALL, BLK

 Post subject: Re: Custom GPS controlled surfgate setup
PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 8:30 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:44 pm
Posts: 11
Hey all - just a heads up.

This is installed and working well. I posted a "simple" version that uses an uno instead of a mega - since some folks were having trouble finding cheap megas as they didnt have a microcenter nearby. This should work the same for a mega too - but you can use the hardware serial for mega - it should work out of box as the GPSPort code will find the GPS whereever you put it. If you are using an uno you need to have it on pins 8/9 to use AltSoftwareSerial.

You can view the wiring diagram here: ... itzing.png

The Uno version of the code (simplified) is available here: ... le_uno.ino

Parts involved:
Arduino Uno
L298N Dual H bridge motor controller ... 01GZ1QUHO/ (Drives the relays for the lencos, DO NOT DRIVE THE LENCOS DIRECTLY they draw way too much power, this is just a simple relay trigger.)
GPS module w/antenna - ... 01MRNN3YZ/
LM2596 step down buck converter to regulate power ... 0748FKKWL/
1 3 way switch (SPDT) -- you can use an axis brand switch for this to look stock - or just anything like:

If anyone has any build questions let me know. I put mine in a simple cheap junction box - and have aviator connectors for all the wiring leaving the box.

If you want to test with minimal soldering- you can try a screw shield on the ardiuno - but i dont think i'd trust it to hold up long term so once you're happy with it you'll want to solder it in.

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