I've already put 50 hrs on the boat since I've had it and I'm starting to find little things that need to be fixed.
First off, I have a weird drive clanking noise when I am in gear but at idle speed. The V drive sounds normal while in neutral and at any rpm's above idle while in gear. Our mechanic said that it is gear lash caused from a rough idling engine. My engine sounds to be running smoothly but the rpm needle does move a bit at idle. I would say about a 100rpm difference. Oil level is good and no slipping under load. It's more of an annoyance.
Im right at 250 hrs with the LS3 and the engine has been worked hard, would replacing plugs be the fix? I pulled one plug and it still had the correct gap.
Here is a video of the noise. You can hear the normal clunk going into gear and then the weird clanking noise.

Second, my boat seems to take on water when floating. I can get about 10 gallons of water in my bilge in a matter of a couple hours. I don't see any hoses leaking, I also shut off all my ballast valves and still takes on water. I also check the shaft seal and fresh water flush. I also filled my bilge up with water on the trailer and saw no water leaking from any of the hull fittings. My only ideas are the under water lights or lower exhaust hose. Is there any way I can test that while on the trailer? Any other known reasons that would allow water in the boat: It will take on water while floating with engine off.