Fishn4four wrote:
This has got to be the #1 topic for me having never owned one of these boats or spent any great length of time in one. I have just ordered a new T22 with the slight motor upgrade to the 350. I really don't think I'm going to be using anything more than stock ballast with plug and play with a dealer said to go for the OJ cinco (this is the same dealer caliguy got his boat from) for some fuel savings since the boat won't be loaded I keep asking this question in fact I started a thread about getting a bigger motor.
we will be boating at about 1500' and that was my main reason for upgrading the motor as to compensate for the elevation...but I just can't quit thinking about dumping my sound pack 3, cargo bimini, and some of the other the bling and put the vette motor in it! I don't want to find myself a few years down the road saying I really wish I had got the vette motor! spending my time messing around trying to find the right prop to get thing up on plane when I have a few extra friends in the boat or when I want to add weight as my kids get better if I only had the power I wouldn't be messing around!
...of course I saw Caliguys boat at the int wakeboard series contest and they pulled the whole contest with that boat fully loaded and it didn't seem to have any problems...So I should quit worrying right???
I wouldnt' worry about it. I have the 335 in my A22 and my elevation is 900'. I have the ACME 1235 with 400lb bags in the rear, 900lb of bags in the bow, wedge down, full stock ballast, with 5 people in the boat and I was still able to plane. It may of took 30 seconds to plane but it got there.
In a couple of years while you are still enjoying the sound pack 3, you may want to slam the boat. That is when you may have to get a new prop.
Have you read this thread from front to back?
viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1563&start=10It has a lot of good information in it.