I rode today, yes So Cal is awesome
behind the A24 Bro Boat again. Wow! it is awesome. The speed control issue was fixed, not sure what they did but it held speed with no fluctuation at all. The prop was changed, from the 2419 to the 2315. We noticed when it had the 2419 that one side was washing out a bit and was uneven whenever the boat would change speeds… which was kinda a lot since that same day the speed control was not working. Whatever the reason, prop, speed control, or both, it is fixed now. The 450 with the 2315 prop is money, gets up to speed so effortlessly and holds speed perfectly. We rode it in a tight riding spot and even with 4500 lbs, it turned so easily and tight, definitely did not feel like a 24' boat around the turns.
As for the weight set up, it was a bit different. The integrated bow sack was pulled out and the 600 sumo was not used in the bow. Instead we put a SUMO 900 on the floor in the bow and that is all. Sumo 750's in the rear, full stock ballast, and then 1000 lbs of lead in the center of the boat, 500 under the seats of each side about even with where the tower mounts. We had 3 adults and 2 toddlers, so about 25 lbs more of people than last, but the gas tank was empty.
No wedge. Rode approx 23 mph at 78'. The wake was excellent as before. It was very firm for not having as much bow weight and booted us. It was a great day, water at around 55 deg, and air was 70.