Sorry for the long post, but my question is, can FAE or any other issue cause an airlock on raw water pickup?
This past winter I installed a new FAE on my 2011 Axis A20 with dual exhaust. The FAE is the kind that has the exhaust lines that have to incline up and over the floating wedge, and then merges into the prop wash. I also opted for the butterfly valves to prevent water surges from entering the engine, if that makes a difference.
On my 3rd outing since I installed it, we launched the boat like normal where we let it idle while we pick up the driver and let it warm up before taking off. I noticed a plastic burning smell with white smoke, and realized the engine was over heating at 210F when I checked the temp gauge. I turned the engine off, closed the raw water emergency valve and checked the raw water impeller to see a fairly warn, (with a couple torn veins) but not completely destroyed 1.5 year old impeller. Lucky enough I had a spare impeller (at least 2 years old, never used), replaced it while I was on the water, opened the emergency valve and then went to test it to make sure the engine was cooling. After about 10 seconds, I saw that the engine temps weren't dropping, so I shut the engine down to see what was happening. I removed the hose that leads from the impeller into the transmission cooler. I noticed not much water was in that hose. I stuck my fingers inside the transmission cooler to see if anything was clogging it, and all I felt was the heat exchanger inside. Nothing I could have felt with my fingers was clogging it up. (as a note: On previous winterizations, I have found a few pieces of impeller veins inside, so I figures maybe more have found their way since last replacing the impeller 1.5 years ago. I also noticed when I drain that same hose, there is a significant amount of water sitting in it)
Next I wanted to verify that there was water being pumped from the impeller, so with the hose to the transmission cooler still disconnected, my wife started the engine for a total of 3 seconds and then shut it off. For the 1st second, nothing happened, but then on the 2nd second, water started flowing from the impeller and then also backwards from engine through the transmission cooler, inwhich I told her to turn off the engine right away.
I reconnected the hoses and started the engine again. Then I noticed the engine temps dropping. For the remaining part of the day I watched the temps, and noticed that it seems to bounce around a little more than what I remember. I can watch it bounce around from 165F-170F while idling, to 160F-165F while cruising, then 155F when coming off plane. Normally it used to just hold at 160-165F the entire time with very minimal change.
The next 3 outings since then, I noticed that on every 1st startup after launching the boat from the trailer, I know I'm not getting water circulation because the exhaust starts to have the classic white exhaust and plastic burning smell before the engine overheats. I did notice that if I get on plane right after launch, that gets the raw water flowing through the exhaust and then I never have that issue for the rest of the day. But then it repeats when I go to launch the boat the next day.
So my question is, what's going on? Is it an air lock, clog or something else? Is it related to the FAE? Did I just happen to have an old impeller that just disintegrated.
Any tips on something to check is greatly appreciated. I store the boat 1.5hours from me, so troubleshooting is a little difficult. I plan on checking the impeller again as I picked up another spare, but I'm worried that might not be the case.