Ferral wrote:
Since what the actual best setup is really comes down to personal preference, can someone explain how adding weight to different parts of the boat affects the surf wave?
Like if I want to be able to surf farther back, where do I add more weight? What do I do if I want the wave taller? Steeper? What difference does the wedge make? What is the affect of more front weight vs. more rear weight? Why do some people choose to fill the center hard tank while others do not, what difference does it make in the wave?
The more weight in the back the taller the wave gets but shorter in length. Conversely, the more even distributed weight with more in front, the longer the wave gets but you loose height on it. I played around quite a bit with the weight placement. I use to fill my front PnP bag but found that for my liking/surfing it worked better without it filled. I like surfing faster to get the airs and noticed if I slam the surf side corner the wave got really tall with great push but was so short in length at my normal surf speed. I sped up to around 12.2-12.6 with that setup and the wave lengthened out a lot but kept a lot of the height. Definitely need a fast board when riding that speed though. I slow it down when riding my skim style board.