Bama Axis wrote:
Ferral wrote:
Bama, do you have pictures of your jack system yet? I plan to make one as well and want to see if you have any good ideas I should steal before I start

Yes, I will try to post this evening or tomorrow.
I am going to attempt to post all of the pics on my jack system. It is not yet finished but you will get the idea.
In the pictures you will see the jack which I purchased at wally world.
You will see the base that I am going to mount it to. I used a 2x12 about 2 feet long to help distribute the weight across the floor. I took a router and made a foot print for the jack to sit in. I am in the process of drilling holes in the jack footing so I can secure it to the wood. I highly recommend this as the jack sometimes has the tendency to kick out to one side if your brace up to the tower is not 100% straight.
You will see the brace that I use. I am using a 2x4 with a cutout on the top for the tower to rest on. It also has a hole in the bottom for the jack to go into. Pictures will help illustrate this.
I use a 2x4 to put all the way across through the top cutouts on the tower arms. Once completed all of the pieces will be covered in carpet to help prevent from any accidental mishaps. I hook up the jack system and lower to the 2x4 brace and thats it.
Update......This still is not low enough for me to get it into storage and I am forced to lower the tower to the second cutout on the tower arms. I am in search of a jack that has a range somewhere in the 12"-15" range. This jack only has a range of about 7".
Attempting to update pics shortly.