2016A22inCO wrote:
But we did have a great time and Powell is one of the most spectacular places on earth. If you have not been there put it on your bucket list! The other thing I will give the boat credit for is it's ability to take and smooth out chop. If you have been to powell you know that the main channel water can get pretty big and this little 22 smoothed it out pretty well. Ride comfort was great compared to many other wake boats I have been in at powell.
Glad you had a great trip. Stop telling other people about Powell please.
The T23 has similar issues with regard to forward weight. 200 lbs of lead does wonders. I might buy more. Now I know why people buy those 900s or whatever they are to put on top of the seat.
2016A22inCO wrote:
With about 700LB of people ballast and my 200LB of Lead up front I could get 1/2 full 750's to get to wakeboard speed with wedge after quite a bit of time (wake was better than I have ever been able to get it up here in Denver however but that could also be due to the miles and miles of glass water that we were getting in the AM - wish I would have taken some pics/video).
That sounds about right to me. I can't get to plane with the wedge down and full load either. The wedge makes a huge difference though. I can almost get up with all the people forward, all the bags full, and the wedge up.