JWillFSU wrote:
They put on a cooling enhancement kit, is what the dealer said PCM called it, that didn't work, they bypassed the heat exchanger and seemed to work but then we didnt have heat so I was not happy with that. They hooked it back up to the heat exchanger and its getting hot again. So obviously to me something is going on in the heat exchanger, but all the check engine lights we get now have nothing to do with the heat and all to do with the fuel system yet they havn't been able to figure out what is causing either issue. The tech from PCM is here today so we will see what he says. To me, i should have been given a loaner boat or something. I've owned a brand new $84,000 boat for 111 days, 43 of those days its been at the dealer for engine issues coupled with other boat issues not engine related, but always the same engine issues that have never been fixed. 7 times to the dealer and 43 days, So 38% of the time we have owned the boat its been in the shop. I've just reached my limit on this and Malibu, and the dealer Marine Sales and Service in Louisville, have all just made excuses and offered no empathy or caring at all about the situation like we are supposed to just be ok with this. PCM at least called me and is sending a tech but only after I had to get everyone involved in it and after 7 visits to the dealer for the same issue. Before then they didn't care, i have emails from PCM saying, "well our engineers are looking into it but we have no answers right now", so where does that leave me as a customer? The customer service experience from all parties has been the worst experience I've ever had.
That's quite a story and a complete 180 from my experience with Malibu.