LHC928 wrote:
I have a close freind that deals with this stuff all the time. One of his best arguments with a city or lake council is economic impact. What happens when they succeed in banning wakesports or ballast on boats on a lake? People will go to a different lake to use their 50k-100k wakeboats. That means they also take their money that they would spend on gas, beer, food, parts, maintenance ect. And spend it somewhere else. Your group can get some numbers going and your group and them (council) would be suprised when you see a number posted. It is amazing how much money is spent on the boating industry. A number will go a long ways.
very good point .... what kind of revenue are made from the homes on the lake I imagine that if they can't use there boats on this particular lake then why have a house on it? fits very well with the above statement