Skibum wrote:
ThatGuy - I'm at 6,500ft above sea level so down quite a bit in power.
A22inCO - Thanks, I will give him a call next week after I gather some additional data this weekend.
The other advice that I would give is that these things LOVE weight in the front to help them plane out. And at altitude we need all of the help we can get! I ordered 200lb of ballast bags from and put them up in the bow (stashed under my front PNP sack as far up as I could get it). I did notice that helped a good bit in getting the boat to plane out easier. I am actually going to be now going to find a bow bag for when I have a smaller crew and dont have 2-3 people to have ride in the front.
It just feels that now rather than the power trying to push the boat up and out of the water it is helping angle the boat more forward than up. If that makes sense?