I've been lurking on several forums for the past few months so I figured I should join and introduce myself.
A few months ago I was dead set on x-stars until I dug into the forums. At that point I knew Axis would fit the bill both in cost and performance. My wife was able to facilitate the purchase while I was deployed and during my limited time home (30 days) we accumulated an additional 76 hours. I haven't done much wakeboarding in the past and when I did it was behind 17ft I/O's and jetskis. So with a wake specific boat I knew I needed to properly learn to wakeboard in order to maximize our A22. We loaded up and went to Texas for a week and it was there, at Texas Mastercraft, after a few lessons I was wake to wake 180's. My first wake to wake 180 was behind our Axis later that evening. The Axis wake made it so easy. I'm only at 65' back right now, but I hope to stretch that out next summer when I'm home.
I think Axis makes a great boat and the price makes it very enjoyable. We are already wanting to get an A24 with surf gate in the next year or two.
I believe most of you are familiar with this A22. It was purchased from a member here (get_sum).
I really couldn't dial in a good surf wake. Tried all different configurations. I guess I need more weight.