Dave.Mishchenko wrote:
Also what's in store for the next few years.
I'm sure people have heard rumours of a new traditional bow boat? I saw it and it's insane! A22 size but a really great aesthetic; it's like they took the styling from the A22 and moved it forward 10 steps... That boat is going to be a huge seller!
The big theme going forward is that Malibu/Axis are focusing on increasing quality levels... They are pushing vendors super hard to provide the very best quality product. If it doesn't meet malibu's standard, it gets sent back! A prime example being that Malibu just built a new lab for testing resins... a whole tanker truck got returned as the resin just missed Malibus standards. The levels they are going to with this are extremely impressive and can only mean great things for consumers. Every single nook and cranny of the build is being examined and continuously being improved to keep Malibu/Axis at the number one slot. Since they are so far ahead in production numbers, they don't want to go losing any of those hard earned customers so they are taking being the market leader very seriously.
Hope that answers your question