cantx03 wrote:
We just purchased a new 2017 T22 and really enjoy to the boat. On our last outing we had four people in the boat with all ballast full and the surf wave on the goofy side would not curl. We tried dumping water and moving people around and still nothing. The wave was perfect on the regular side just washed out on the goofy. I thought about pulling up the manual wedge next time as the drag could be an issue.
15 t22 here. That’s odd. To be honest I am usually jealous of the goofy side wave. How much weight are you running? Did you use the wedge? I have my plug and play usually full so about 3000lbs ballast and about 4 or 5 people. Wedge down at about 10.5-11.5 mph depending on current. Also make sure surf gate deploys all the way. I had to recalibrate mine once or twice.
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