I thought Malibu did get a patent on the surf gate converged waterflow technology. So has Malibu not contacted wake shaper to "discuss" a license fee or a cease and desist?
I have been contacted by some people that have told me a cease and desist letter ended up in their mailbox.
All boat companies have been paying Tower fees for a number of year to Correct Craft for the patent they have on the wakeboard tower. I would not be surprised if some boat companies have to start paying for using a surfgate type setup.
Being in the wake industry for a million years I would not go up against the boat companies. They have deeper pockets than I will ever have.
I don't know how the patent is worded but with such a similar design it would have to fall under the infringement part of the patent just because of the design.
** I am not a lawyer so I really have no idea.