away wrote:
I figured out what was going on by watching you tube videos ha ha
If you have the DSO cranked up or the equilizer on with the head unit it would cut out at different volume with different music.
Did some research and found that an amped system needs these turned off on the head unit or you get "cross phasing" at high volumes that the amp sees and protects itself by design.
Thus you can play with these settings like the DSO and equilizer at lower volumes like say 35 and below to enhance the sound quality. But when wake boarding or surfin I can now turn these off and crank the volume all the way to 50 (max) if I want and use the fader to turn down the cabin.
Works great after I actually learned what I bought ha ha
Just wanted to give everyone an up-date in case anyone that has purchased the same sound pack II as I has ran into the same issues.
Hmmm, I don't know. I'm on my second Axis and I've never had an issue using the DSO feature and having the volume up to 40-45 for hours at a time. My first Axis had 4 aftermarket amps and 4 batteries. My current A24 has all Wet Sounds and still no issues with DSO and high volume playing. Most of the time I do use my WS420 volume and just leave the factory set at 35 but there have been times when I've just used the factory volume...either way, no issues