SteeleAxis wrote:
Update - happy as hell I think we're back to all Axis. Deciding now if we do jump up to A24 or maybe go for the T22...just waiting to test drive one and get to check out the ride on the wake. If anyone has any feedback or comparisons between the A and T wakes I'd appreciate it.
Oh on the MB...still a great boat and may check out the Tomcat again down the road. For now, we were recently reminded how amazing and consistent our A20 wake is so sticking with Axis!
I can't wait to hear the reviews on the T22 wake as well. The A22 was the main reason I jumped from my 2006 Centurion to Axis. Once I hit the Axis wake, I was sold. It was so versatile for me. I see a lot of people say they would prefer a wake plate over the wedge, I guess I am different. I don't ride with the wedge down but I do like change it shape it gives the wake. I feel like a wake plate only dampers the current wake, it doesn't give it the ability to make it steeper like the wedge does.